Tamarind Sweet Dipping sauce

Tamarind Sweet dipping sauce or Imli ki chatni goes with all kinds of friend snack specially with samosa, pakora, chicken or vegetable patties, french fries and more. It can be served with all snacks where tomato ketchup is used as a sauce. It is also rich in vitamin C and much easier to make than tomato ketchup. One pack of tamarind available in the market is enough to make two full bottles of Tamarind sauce. I have used the seedless tamarind pack available commonly at Walmart or Indian food stores.


Tamarind: 227 gm or  8 oz seedless
Jaggery or brown sugar: 1/2 cup
Cumin seeds:1/2 tsp ground
Salt: 1/8 tsp
Red chilli powder:1/2 tsp
Ginger: 1/2 tsp dry powder
water 1,1/2 cup


  1. Put Tamarind in a saucepan and cover with water.
  2. Let the tamarind get tender in the water and bring it to a boil while stirring the with a wooden spoon.
  3. After letting it simmer for five minutes, remove from heat and mash the tamarind pieces in the water using a wooden spoon.
  4. Sieve it in a strainer and make sure to discard any solids.
  5. The tamarind should be like a thick past like ketchup
  6. Now return the paste to the pan and add other ingredients.
  7. Once the sugar is dissolved and other ingredients are mixed well, taste to check if you would like more sugar or water to make it sweeter or runnier.
  8. Remove from the heat and let it cool. 
  9. Preserve in a glass bottle.

    Tamarind Sweet Dipping sauce
    Tamarind Sweet Dipping Sauce

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